

Educate property and business owners in Grand Isle, Louisiana on issues concerning Grand Isle.

Lessen the burden of government organizations in Grand Isle, Louisiana.

Cultivate and promote civic and community improvements..


In the spring of 2005, a group of Grand Isle camp owners and fishing friends met to discuss organizing a group focused on the Jewel of the Louisiana Gulf Coast, Grand Isle. Then the hurricanes spawned their wrath on coastal Louisiana, and our jewel was severely impacted. Another meeting was called regarding the status of the island.

An overwhelming surge of emotions and a willingness to help surfaced. Friends of Grand Isle Inc. (FOGI) was born as a nonprofit organization, officers were elected, and people went to work with the purpose of assisting residents and businesses on the island. We now have over 300 members.


FOGI was formed after Hurricane Katrina to bring assistance to residents and businesses on Grand Isle and also to network property owners and others who have an interest in Grand Isle.

Friends of Grand Isle works to:

  • Support and aid residents and small business owners of Grand Isle, Louisiana who have been victims of severe storms

  • Educate property and business owners in Grand Isle, Louisiana on issues concerning Grand Isle

  • Lessen the burden of government organizations in Grand Isle, Louisiana

  • Cultivate and promote civic and community improvements.

Let’s Connect